Environmentally Friendly Cars – When the Plug in Hybrids Finally Debut

The Environmentally Friendly Car, or commonly known as the Hybrid Car have become a popular avenue to fuel savings throughout the lifespan of the car. And it is no surprise that the very commercially available hybrid cars have dominated the auto scene as consumer's top money saving choice. Contrast this with the few if any Plug-in hybrid cars that are commercially available to the buying public at the current moment. You know who the winner is … at the moment. But the jury is still out, especially when Detroit Auto Behemoth General Motors promises the first family sedan Chevy Volt by 2009 or 2010 latest, a true plug in, fully powered by electricity.

The Roots of Plug-in Hybrids .

In tracing the roots of the plug-in hybrid car, it came to light that Porsche proposed the first plug-in hybrids which were charged externally close to the turn of the century. By the 1960s, General Motors has taken the lead to develop the first modern concept of the plug in hybrid with 12 volt lead batteries mounted at the trunk, requiring a 110 volt socket to plug in for recharge. 30 years on, 2004, the Japanese car manufacturers have jump onto the Plug in Bandwagon with the Toyota Prius prototype. Ford Motor Company announced plans to sell plug-in hybrids in about the decade. All the above developments hinges upon functional and commercial enhancements on lithium ion batteries which are much more powerful than the currently used NiMH batteries.

After Hybrid Cars Comes the Plug-in Hybrids .

With the amount of media hybrid cars are dominating the multimedia airwaves nowadays, it is difficult to envisage any member of the public not knowing about the benefits of the hybrid car. Impressive by any standards, it is forecasted that by 2010, one million hybrid cars will be commercially manufactured and sold to masses. And also by 2010, scores of car manufacturers will be launching their plug-in hybrids. Consumers will be definitely spoilt for choice is anything at all. For more reads on Hybrid Cars and Environmentally Friendly Cars, do visit my site.

Source by Joey Lee