RV Tire Protection

September 21, 2017 carguy 0

Very few RV tires actually wear out. Most of them rot out due at least partly to the sun. The sun's UV rays are consistently […]

Tinting Plastic Lenses

September 20, 2017 carguy 0

Before you begin this project you need to have the following handy: 800 grit sandpaper, a bowl of water, paper, tinting product of your preference, […]

Celebrity Autographed Checks

September 15, 2017 carguy 0

Autographs from celebrities have been collected for centuries. For many years the most common form an autograph available to collectors a letter, either handwritten or […]

Car Donations In California

September 13, 2017 carguy 0

A California vehicle donation here in the “Golden State” may help someone in need in your own community. An entire family could possibly end up […]

Top 10 Travel Advice

September 12, 2017 carguy 0

Always ensure that you have checked the latest travel advice for the destination you wish to travel so subscribe to any free email notifications each […]