Automobile Companies – Can They Sell More Cars if They Are Biosensor Enabled?

There is no doubt that your personal tech toys include either an iPad, Tablet, Smartphone, or other high-tech device. Yes, and I imagine like you, it's changed your life, much the same as it did when you got your first set of wheels, as being able to drive changes every young person's life – freedom at a very personal level. Well, now some car makers are integrating such things as iPhones, and iPads, and their apps into their latest models. Audio has a neat docking station for a tablet, allowing you to use it as a GPS device also.

Of course, Audi is not alone on taking the modern car to the next level, as Ford is taking some rather intriguing MIT level electronic medical device type systems, and making them fully portable, to go with you as you go, even if you have a serious medical condition. The car monitors your well-being as you go, so you can go without worry. Is that a good reason to buy a car from Ford, for some it very much well be, and just for a second consider how many people in the US alone have conditions which take away their mobility and freedom?

There was a very interesting press release recently on the Ford Motor Company Website recently titled; "Ford and Healthcare Experts Research SYNC Health and Wellness Connectivity Service s Helping Manage Chronic Illness On the Go" – it turns out that Ford is trying something totally revolutionary, and designing cars to help folks who have serious challenges such as medical disorders, chronic illnesses , and issues like Diabetes, Asthma, or Asthma. Ford noted that;

"Ford SYNC (registered trademark), researchers developed glucose device connectivity and monitoring capability, location-based allergy and pollen reports and voice-controlled, cloud-based health management services" and that their partners include;

"Leading healthcare industry experts such as medical device maker Medtronic, mHealth pioneer WellDoc, and SDI Health, developers of the informational allergy website Pollen [dot] com, to develop its initial Health and Wellness connectivity portfolio."

The system is actually integrated into the dashboard, and it is quite snazzy. One question we had at our Think Tank was; Will this help sell more cars for Ford? I mean it is a very noble endeavor, way above the call of duty, still, will it help their bottom line and increase car sales? My thinking is yes, yes it will. And, I'd say that's a win-win for everyone. Indeed, I'd like you to consider how auto-technology will drive car sales well off into the future.

Source by Lance Winslow