Midwest Buyers Are Happy To Wait For Their New Cars

Within this group, Midwesterners are the most likely to wait with 43 percent of the demographic accepting a delivery time of 12 months or longer. On the opposite end of the spectrum sits those from the Northeast area, of which only 30 percent would be willing to wait similar periods.

GfK’s senior vice president of mobility consulting, Julie Kenar, reveals this is a result of the large scale of auto workers who live in the Midwest.

“That is where the bulk of employee sales are happening,” she says “and clearly people who are using an employee discount are much more aware of the chip shortage and better understand the impact.”

The survey does not detail why so few from the Northwest would wait longer, but there is an understanding that consumers from this region are subjected to a different lifestyle. The study also reveals that among the group, those over the age of 45 years old were willing to wait for the longest period.

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