Ford Mustang Dark Horse Was Developed Like A Supercar

The rolling road and wind tunnel can simulate wind and road speeds of 200 mph, pumping five million cubic feet of air, or “enough to fill a K-Class blimp” every five seconds, according to John Toth, North America Wind Tunnels Engineering Supervisor.

With this installation, Ford can more accurately measure data for both drag and downforce, which will help boost range and efficiency. In addition, the tunnel will help reduce design costs and accelerate the development of new vehicles in the design process.

“The closer we can get to reality in the lab, the better and faster we can create more energy-efficient vehicles with great on-road and track stability,” said Toth. “Testing while the wheels and tires move is instrumental to improving aerodynamics for track-ready vehicles, like the Mustang Dark Horse, which has to balance both aerodynamic drag and downforce.”

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